1. Every person extracting any mineral in this state, or receiving a royalty in connection therewith, who fails to file with the Department the statements provided for in NRS 362.100 to 362.240, inclusive, during the time and in the manner provided for in NRS 362.100 to 362.240, inclusive, shall pay a penalty of not more than $5,000. If any such person fails to file the statement, the Department may ascertain and certify the net proceeds of the minerals extracted or the value of the royalty from all data and information obtainable, and the amount of the tax due must be computed on the basis of the amount due so ascertained and certified.
2. The Executive Director shall determine the amount of the penalty. This penalty becomes a debt due the State of Nevada and, upon collection, must be deposited in the State Treasury to the credit of the State General Fund.
3. Any person extracting any mineral or receiving a royalty may appeal from the imposition of the penalty to the Nevada Tax Commission by filing a notice of appeal in accordance with the requirements set forth in NRS 360.245.
[7:77:1927; NCL § 6584]—(NRS A 1971, 563; 1973, 1296; 1975, 135, 1679; 1989, 41; 1995, 43; 1999, 2491)
NRS 362.240 Penalty for false statements. Any person who verifies under oath to the truthfulness of a statement required by NRS 362.100 to 362.240, inclusive, that is false in any material respect shall be liable to a penalty of not more than 15 percent of the tax as determined by the Executive Director after reasonable notice and hearing.
[8:77:1927; NCL § 6585]—(NRS A 1975, 1680)