1. “Mine” means an excavation in the earth from which ores, coal or other mineral substances are extracted, or a subterranean natural deposit of minerals located and identified as such by the staking of a claim or other method recognized by law. The term includes a well drilled to extract minerals.
2. “Mineral” includes oil, gas and other hydrocarbons, but does not include sand, gravel or water, except hot water or steam in an operation extracting geothermal resources for profit.
3. “Patented mine or mining claim” means each separate, whole or fractional patented mining location, whether such whole or fractional mining location is covered by an independent patent or is included under a single patent with other mining locations.
[1:206:1915; 1919 RL p. 3009; NCL § 6592]—(NRS A 1975, 317; 1989, 33)