1. Claims for refunds must be paid by prescribed classes in accordance with the regulations of the Department.
2. The minimum claim for a refund must be based on at least 200 gallons of such fuel purchased in this State within a 6-month period which is used for a purpose that is exempt from payment of the excise taxes imposed by this chapter.
3. No refund of motor vehicle fuel taxes may be made for off-highway use of motor vehicle fuel consumed in watercraft in this State for recreational purposes.
4. A person who exports, sells, buys or uses aviation fuel for any purpose is not entitled to reimbursement of any tax paid by him or her on such fuel.
[Part 5:74:1935; A 1949, 500; 1951, 208; 1953, 326; 1955, 170]—(NRS A 1965, 1171; 1966, 72; 1969, 558; 1975, 1696; 1983, 389, 1019; 1995, 1795; 2007, 1575)