1. Any ordinance that imposes a tax pursuant to:
(a) The provisions of paragraph (a) of subsection 1 of NRS 373.066 must require the allocation, disbursement and use in the county of the proceeds of that tax in the same proportions and manner as the allocation, disbursement and use in the county of the proceeds of the tax imposed pursuant to NRS 365.180.
(b) The provisions of paragraph (b) of subsection 1 of NRS 373.066 must require the allocation, disbursement and use in the county of the proceeds of that tax in the same proportions and manner as the allocation, disbursement and use in the county of the proceeds of the tax imposed pursuant to NRS 365.190.
(c) The provisions of paragraph (c) of subsection 1 of NRS 373.066 must require the allocation, disbursement and use in the county of the proceeds of that tax in the same proportions and manner as the allocation, disbursement and use in the county of the proceeds of the tax imposed pursuant to NRS 365.192.
(d) Any of the provisions of paragraphs (d) to (m), inclusive, of subsection 1 of NRS 373.066 must, except as otherwise required by subsection 6 of NRS 373.140, require the allocation, disbursement and use in the county of the proceeds of that tax in the same proportions and manner as the allocation, disbursement and use in the county of the proceeds of the tax imposed pursuant to NRS 373.030.
2. Any ordinance adopted pursuant to NRS 373.066 must:
(a) Include a provision prohibiting the imposition of any penalties and interest for the failure to make any payments of any tax imposed by the ordinance which become due within the initial 6 months after the ordinance becomes effective. This provision must apply only to taxes imposed pursuant to NRS 373.066 and must not apply to any tax imposed pursuant to any other ordinance.
(b) Require the commission:
(1) To review, at a public meeting conducted after the provision of public notice and before the effective date of each annual increase imposed by the ordinance:
(I) The amount of that increase and the accuracy of its calculation;
(II) The amounts of any annual increases imposed by the ordinance in previous years and the revenue collected pursuant to those increases;
(III) Any improvements to the regional system of transportation resulting from revenue collected pursuant to any annual increases imposed by the ordinance in previous years; and
(IV) Any other information relevant to the effect of the annual increases on the public; and
(2) To submit to the board any information the commission receives suggesting that the annual increase should be adjusted.
(Added to NRS by 2009, 3054)