1. The board of county commissioners shall appoint five competent persons who are residents of the county to serve as county library trustees. Three trustees shall hold office for the terms of 1, 2 and 3 years respectively, and two trustees shall hold office for terms of 4 years. Annually thereafter, the board of county commissioners shall appoint one trustee who shall hold office for a term of 4 years, except that in those years in which the terms of two trustees expire, the board of county commissioners shall appoint two trustees for terms of 4 years. County library trustees shall hold office until their successors are appointed and qualified.
2. No trustee may be appointed to hold office for more than two consecutive 4-year terms.
3. All vacancies which may occur at any time in the office of county library trustee must be filled by appointment by the board of county commissioners.
4. County library trustees serve without compensation, except that the board of county commissioners may provide for compensation in an amount of not more than $40 per meeting, with a total of not more than $80 per month, and may provide travel expenses and subsistence allowance for the members in the same amounts as are allowed for employees of the county library.
5. The board of county commissioners may remove any trustee who fails, without cause, to attend three successive meetings of the trustees.
[2:187:1925; A 1956, 214]—(NRS A 1959, 329; 1967, 1060; 1971, 133; 1981, 997; 1989, 612)