1. All claims for indebtedness incurred or created by the trustees of any consolidated, county, district or town library must:
(a) Be audited and approved by a majority of the trustees;
(b) Be presented to and acted upon by the board of county commissioners, unless a separate account has been established pursuant to NRS 354.603; and
(c) Be paid out of the appropriate library fund in the same manner as claims against the county are presented, acted upon and paid.
2. In no case may any claim except for a library and reading room be allowed or paid out of the appropriate library fund.
3. Any money remaining in the county library fund on June 30 of any year reverts to the general fund of the county.
[3:187:1925; NCL § 5597]—(NRS A 1967, 1061; 1981, 1000; 1985, 10; 1989, 615)