1. Whenever it appears to the board of county commissioners of any county having a law library that for any reason any debt incurred in the purchase and establishment of the library has not been fully paid or materially reduced with the money provided by the provisions of NRS 380.110, within the period of 5 years immediately preceding, the board of county commissioners may, at the next annual tax levy, levy a special tax upon all taxable property within the county, both real and personal sufficient, together with the revenue which will result from application of the rate to the net proceeds of minerals, to raise a sum which will discharge any such indebtedness, but no more. The money must be placed in the law library fund in the county treasury and must be used for the payment of the indebtedness and for no other purpose.
2. In lieu of the levy of a special tax as provided in subsection 1, the board of county commissioners of any county having a law library may, in the discretion of the board of county commissioners, transfer from the general funds of the county to the law library fund a sufficient sum of money to pay any debts incurred in the purchase and establishment and maintenance of the library, which has not been fully paid or materially reduced with the money provided by the provisions of NRS 380.110, within the period of 5 years immediately preceding March 1, 1959.
[Part 1:250:1913; A 1927, 74; NCL § 2250]—(NRS A 1959, 264; 1969, 787; 1989, 48)