1. Any law library established by ordinance as provided by subsection 1 of NRS 380.010 must be governed and managed by a board of law library trustees.
2. A board of law library trustees must consist of not less than five nor more than seven members. The district judge of the judicial district in which the county is situated or, if the district has more than one district judge, a maximum of three district judges designated by all the judges of the district from among their number, are ex officio trustees. The board of county commissioners shall appoint a sufficient number of trustees to complete the board, including at least two who are not attorneys at law.
3. Appointive members of the board must be appointed by the board of county commissioners at the first meeting of the board of county commissioners in each January, to serve for terms of 2 years. As nearly as may be, half of the terms must expire each year.
[3:250:1913; 1919 RL p. 2707; NCL § 2252] + [4:250:1913; 1919 RL p. 2707; NCL § 2253]—(NRS A 1965, 223; 1969, 787; 1981, 1003; 1983, 339)