1. The members of the board of law library trustees shall appoint one of their number as president.
2. They shall elect a secretary who shall:
(a) Keep a full statement and account of all property, money, receipts and expenditures of the board, unless the board delegates that duty.
(b) Keep a record, full minutes in writing and an audio recording or transcript of all proceedings of the board. The secretary may certify to such proceedings, or any part thereof, under his or her hand.
3. The board of law library trustees, by a majority vote recorded in the minutes with ayes and noes at length, may:
(a) Define the powers and prescribe the duties of any and all officers;
(b) Determine the number and elect all necessary subordinate officers and assistants;
(c) Remove, at its pleasure, any officer or assistant; and
(d) Fix the salaries of the secretary and other subordinate officers and assistants.
[Part 6:250:1913; 1919 RL p. 2708; NCL § 2255] + [Part 10:250:1913; 1919 RL p. 2708; NCL § 2259]—(NRS A 1983, 339; 2005, 1411)