1. The Council to Establish Academic Standards for Public Schools, consisting of eight members, is hereby created. The membership of the Council consists of:
(a) Four members appointed by the Governor in accordance with subsection 2;
(b) Two members appointed by the Majority Leader of the Senate in accordance with subsection 3; and
(c) Two members appointed by the Speaker of the Assembly in accordance with subsection 3.
2. The Governor shall ensure that:
(a) Two of the members appointed by the Governor to the Council are parents or legal guardians of pupils who attend public schools. These members must not otherwise be affiliated with the public school system of this State.
(b) Two of the members appointed by the Governor to the Council are licensed educational personnel.
(c) Insofar as practicable, the members appointed by the Governor to the Council reflect the ethnic and geographical diversity of this State.
3. The Majority Leader of the Senate and the Speaker of the Assembly shall each ensure that:
(a) One of the members whom he or she appoints to the Council is a member of the House of the Legislature to which he or she belongs.
(b) The other member whom he or she appoints to the Council is a representative of a private business or industry that may be affected by actions taken by the Council.
4. Each member of the Council must be a resident of this State.
5. After the initial terms, the term of each member of the Council is 4 years. The person who appoints a member to the Council may remove that member if the member neglects his or her duty or commits malfeasance in office, or for other just cause. A vacancy in the membership of the Council must be filled for the remainder of the unexpired term in the same manner as the original appointment. A member shall continue to serve on the Council until his or her successor is appointed.
6. The Governor shall select a Chair from among the membership of the Council in accordance with this subsection. The Governor shall not select as Chair a member of the Council who is affiliated with the public school system in this State, except that this subsection does not preclude the Governor from selecting a parent or legal guardian of a pupil as Chair if the parent or legal guardian is not otherwise affiliated with the public school system in this State. Once selected by the Governor, the Chair holds that office for 2 years.
7. For each day or portion of a day during which a member of the Council who is a Legislator attends a meeting of the Council or is otherwise engaged in the work of the Council, except during a regular or special session of the Legislature, the Legislator is entitled to receive the:
(a) Compensation provided for a majority of the members of the Legislature during the first 60 days of the preceding session;
(b) Per diem allowance provided for state officers and employees generally; and
(c) Travel expenses provided pursuant to NRS 218A.655.
Ê The compensation, per diem allowances and travel expenses of the legislative members of the Council must be paid from the Legislative Fund.
8. Members of the Council who are not Legislators serve without salary, but are entitled to receive the per diem allowance and travel expenses provided for state officers and employees generally.
(Added to NRS by 1999, 3384; A 2003, 815)