1. The State Board shall adopt regulations governing the establishment, conduct and scope of automobile drivers’ education in the public schools of this State. The regulations must set forth, without limitation:
(a) The number of hours of training that must be completed by a pupil who enrolls in a course in automobile drivers’ education;
(b) That a course in automobile drivers’ education:
(1) Must include a component of training conducted in a classroom; and
(2) May, in addition to the component of training conducted in a classroom, include a component of training conducted in a motor vehicle; and
(c) That if a course in automobile drivers’ education includes components of training conducted both in a classroom and in a motor vehicle:
(1) One hour of training in a motor vehicle is equivalent to 3 hours of training in a classroom; and
(2) Not more than one-half of the required number of hours of training described in paragraph (a) may be training in a motor vehicle.
2. The aims and purposes of automobile drivers’ education are to develop the knowledge, attitudes, habits and skills necessary for the safe operation of motor vehicles.
3. The board of trustees of a school district may establish and maintain courses in automobile drivers’ education during regular semesters and summer sessions and during the regular school day and at times other than during the regular school day for:
(a) Pupils enrolled in the regular full-time day high schools in the school district.
(b) Pupils enrolled in summer classes conducted in high schools in the school district.
Ê A board of trustees maintaining courses in automobile drivers’ education shall insure against any liability arising out of the use of motor vehicles in connection with those courses. The cost of the insurance must be paid from available money of the school district.
4. A governing body of a charter school may establish and maintain courses in automobile drivers’ education if the governing body insures against any liability arising out of the use of motor vehicles in connection with those courses.
5. Automobile drivers’ education must be provided by boards of trustees of school districts and governing bodies of charter schools in accordance with the regulations of the State Board and may not be duplicated by any other agency, department, commission or officer of the State of Nevada.
6. Each course in automobile drivers’ education provided by a board of trustees of a school district or a governing body of a charter school must include, without limitation, instruction in:
(a) Motor vehicle insurance.
(b) The effect of drugs and alcohol on an operator of a motor vehicle.
7. Each course in automobile drivers’ education provided by a board of trustees of a school district or a governing body of a charter school must be restricted to pupils who are at least 15 years of age.
[299:32:1956]—(NRS A 1965, 761; 1979, 1598; 1995, 1747; 1997, 1524, 1870; 1999, 458; 2001, 1503; 2001 Special Session, 269; 2003, 320; 2005, 2310)