1. The State Board shall:
(a) In accordance with guidelines established by the National Assessment Governing Board and National Center for Education Statistics and in accordance with 20 U.S.C. §§ 6301 et seq. and the regulations adopted pursuant thereto, adopt regulations requiring the schools of this State that are selected by the National Assessment Governing Board or the National Center for Education Statistics to participate in the examinations of the National Assessment of Educational Progress.
(b) Report the results of those examinations to the:
(1) Governor;
(2) Board of trustees of each school district of this State;
(3) Legislative Committee on Education created pursuant to NRS 218E.605; and
(4) Legislative Bureau of Educational Accountability and Program Evaluation created pursuant to NRS 218E.625.
(c) Include in the report required pursuant to paragraph (b) an analysis and comparison of the results of pupils in this State on the examinations required by this section with:
(1) The results of pupils throughout this country who participated in the examinations of the National Assessment of Educational Progress; and
(2) The results of pupils on the achievement and proficiency examinations administered pursuant to this chapter.
2. If the report required by subsection 1 indicates that the percentage of pupils enrolled in the public schools in this State who are proficient on the National Assessment of Educational Progress differs by more than 10 percent of the pupils who are proficient on the examinations administered pursuant to NRS 389.550 and the high school proficiency examination administered pursuant to NRS 389.015, the Department shall prepare a written report describing the discrepancy. The report must include, without limitation, a comparison and evaluation of:
(a) The standards of content and performance for English and mathematics established pursuant to NRS 389.520 with the standards for English and mathematics that are tested on the National Assessment.
(b) The standards for proficiency established for the National Assessment with the standards for proficiency established for the examinations that are administered pursuant to NRS 389.550 and the high school proficiency examination administered pursuant to NRS 389.015.
3. The report prepared by the Department pursuant to subsection 2 must be submitted to the:
(a) Governor;
(b) Legislative Committee on Education;
(c) Legislative Bureau of Educational Accountability and Program Evaluation; and
(d) Council to Establish Academic Standards for Public Schools.
4. The Council to Establish Academic Standards for Public Schools shall review and evaluate the report provided to the Council pursuant to subsection 3 to identify any discrepancies in the standards of content and performance established by the Council that require revision and a timeline for carrying out the revision, if necessary. The Council shall submit a written report of its review and evaluation to the Legislative Committee on Education and Legislative Bureau of Educational Accountability and Program Evaluation.
(Added to NRS by 1997, 1772; A 2003, 19th Special Session, 55; 2005, 1656)