1. The Department shall develop an informational pamphlet concerning the high school proficiency examination for pupils who are enrolled in junior high, middle school and high school, and their parents and legal guardians. The pamphlet must include a written explanation of the:
(a) Importance of passing the examination, including, without limitation, an explanation that if the pupil fails the examination, or does not satisfy the requirements of paragraph (b) of subsection 1 of NRS 389.805, the pupil is not eligible to receive a standard high school diploma;
(b) Subject areas tested on the examination;
(c) Format for the examination, including, without limitation, the range of items that are contained on the examination;
(d) Manner by which the scaled score, as reported to pupils and their parents or legal guardians, is derived from the raw score;
(e) Timeline by which the results of the examination must be reported to pupils and their parents or legal guardians;
(f) Maximum number of times that a pupil is allowed to take the examination if the pupil fails to pass the examination after the first administration;
(g) Courses of study that the Department recommends that pupils take to prepare the pupils to successfully meet the academic challenges of the examination and pass the examination; and
(h) Courses of study which the Department recommends that pupils take in high school to successfully prepare for the college entrance examinations.
2. The Department shall review the pamphlet on an annual basis and make such revisions to the pamphlet as it considers necessary to ensure that pupils and their parents or legal guardians fully understand the examination.
3. On or before September 1, the Department shall provide a copy of the pamphlet or revised pamphlet to the board of trustees of each school district and the governing body of each charter school that includes pupils enrolled in a junior high, middle school or high school grade level.
4. The board of trustees of each school district shall provide a copy of the pamphlet to each junior high, middle school or high school within the school district for posting. The governing body of each charter school shall ensure that a copy of the pamphlet is posted at the charter school. Each principal of a junior high, middle school, high school or charter school shall ensure that the teachers, counselors and administrators employed at the school fully understand the contents of the pamphlet.
5. On or before January 15, the:
(a) Board of trustees of each school district shall provide a copy of the pamphlet to each pupil who is enrolled in a junior high, middle school or high school of the school district and to the parents or legal guardians of such a pupil.
(b) Governing body of each charter school shall provide a copy of the pamphlet to each pupil who is enrolled in the charter school at a junior high, middle school or high school grade level and to the parents or legal guardians of such a pupil.
(Added to NRS by 2001, 1089; A 2003, 889; 2007, 1079)