1. The salaries of teachers and other employees must be determined by the character of the service required. A school district shall not discriminate between male and female employees in the matter of salary.
2. Each year when determining the salary of a teacher who holds certification issued by the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards, a school district shall add 5 percent to the salary that the teacher would otherwise receive in 1 year for the teacher’s classification on the schedule of salaries for the school district if:
(a) On or before January 31 of the school year, the teacher has submitted evidence satisfactory to the school district of his or her current certification; and
(b) The teacher is assigned by the school district to provide classroom instruction during that school year.
Ê No increase in salary may be given pursuant to this subsection during a particular school year to a teacher who submits evidence of certification after January 31 of that school year. For the first school year that a teacher submits evidence of his or her current certification, the board of trustees of the school district to whom the evidence was submitted shall pay the increase in salary required by this subsection retroactively to the beginning of that school year. Once a teacher has submitted evidence of such certification to the school district, the school district shall retain the evidence in its records, as applicable, for future school years. An increase in salary given in accordance with this subsection is in addition to any other increase to which the teacher may otherwise be entitled.
3. Each year when determining the salary of a person who is employed by a school district as a speech pathologist, the school district shall add 5 percent to the salary that the employee would otherwise receive in 1 year for the employee’s classification on the schedule of salaries for the school district if:
(a) On or before September 15 of the school year, the employee has submitted evidence satisfactory to the school district of the employee’s:
(1) Licensure as a speech pathologist by the Board of Examiners for Audiology and Speech Pathology; and
(2) Certification as being clinically competent in speech-language pathology by:
(I) The American Speech-Language-Hearing Association; or
(II) A successor organization to the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association that is recognized and determined to be acceptable by the Board of Examiners for Audiology and Speech Pathology; and
(b) The employee is assigned by the school district to serve as a speech pathologist during the school year.
Ê No increase in salary may be given pursuant to this subsection during a particular school year to an employee who submits evidence of licensure and certification after September 15 of that school year. Once an employee has submitted evidence of such licensure and certification to the school district, the school district shall retain the evidence in its records, as applicable, for future school years. An increase in salary given in accordance with this subsection is in addition to any other increase to which the employee may otherwise be entitled.
4. Each year when determining the salary of a person who is employed by a school district as a professional school library media specialist, the school district shall add 5 percent to the salary that the employee would otherwise receive in 1 year for the employee’s classification on the schedule of salaries of the school district if:
(a) On or before September 15 of the school year, the employee has submitted evidence satisfactory to the school district of the employee’s current certification as a professional school library media specialist issued by the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards; and
(b) The employee is assigned by the school district to serve as a professional school library media specialist during that school year.
Ê No increase in salary may be given pursuant to this subsection during a particular school year to an employee who submits evidence of certification after September 15 of that school year. Once an employee has submitted evidence of such certification to the school district, the school district shall retain the evidence in its records, as applicable, for future school years. An increase in salary given in accordance with this subsection is in addition to any other increase to which the employee may otherwise be entitled.
5. In determining the salary of a licensed teacher who is employed by a school district after the teacher has been employed by another school district in this State, the present employer shall, except as otherwise provided in subsection 8:
(a) Give the teacher the same credit for previous teaching service as the teacher was receiving from the teacher’s former employer at the end of his or her former employment;
(b) Give the teacher credit for the teacher’s final year of service with his or her former employer, if credit for that service is not included in credit given pursuant to paragraph (a); and
(c) Place the teacher on the schedule of salaries of the school district in a classification that is commensurate with the level of education acquired by the teacher, as set forth in the applicable negotiated agreement with the present employer.
6. A school district may give the credit required by subsection 5 for previous teaching service earned in another state if the Commission has approved the standards for licensing teachers of that state. The Commission shall adopt regulations that establish the criteria by which the Commission will consider the standards for licensing teachers of other states for the purposes of this subsection. The criteria may include, without limitation, whether the Commission has authorized reciprocal licensure of educational personnel from the state under consideration.
7. In determining the salary of a licensed administrator, other than the superintendent of schools, who is employed by a school district after the administrator has been employed by another school district in this State, the present employer shall, except as otherwise provided in subsection 8:
(a) Give the administrator the same credit for previous administrative service as the administrator was receiving from the administrator’s former employer, at the end of his or her former employment;
(b) Give the administrator credit for the administrator’s final year of service with his or her former employer, if credit for that service is not otherwise included in the credit given pursuant to paragraph (a); and
(c) Place the administrator on the schedule of salaries of the school district in a classification that is comparable to the classification the administrator had attained on the schedule of salaries of the administrator’s former employer.
8. This section does not:
(a) Require a school district to allow a teacher or administrator more credit for previous teaching or administrative service than the maximum credit for teaching or administrative experience provided for in the schedule of salaries established by it for its licensed personnel.
(b) Permit a school district to deny a teacher or administrator credit for his or her previous teaching or administrative service on the ground that the service differs in kind from the teaching or administrative experience for which credit is otherwise given by the school district.
9. As used in this section:
(a) “Previous administrative service” means the total of:
(1) Any period of administrative service for which an administrator received credit from the administrator’s former employer at the beginning of his or her former employment; and
(2) The administrator’s period of administrative service in his or her former employment.
(b) “Previous teaching service” means the total of:
(1) Any period of teaching service for which a teacher received credit from the teacher’s former employer at the beginning of his or her former employment; and
(2) The teacher’s period of teaching service in his or her former employment.
[338:32:1956]—(NRS A 1969, 1178; 1971, 75; 1979, 307, 1605; 1991, 817; 1993, 426; 1999, 1037, 1559; 2001, 1904; 2001 Special Session, 182; 2005, 2446; 2007, 2385)