1. Upon the request of a parent or legal guardian of a pupil who is enrolled in a public school, the board of trustees of the school district in which the school is located or the governing body of the charter school, as applicable, shall provide to the parent or guardian information regarding the professional qualifications of the pupil’s teachers. The State Board shall prescribe the time by which such information must be provided after receipt of the request by the school district or charter school. The information provided must include, without limitation:
(a) For each teacher who provides instruction to the pupil:
(1) Whether the teacher holds a license for the grade level and subject area in which the teacher provides instruction;
(2) Whether the teacher is:
(I) Providing instruction pursuant to NRS 391.125;
(II) Providing instruction pursuant to a waiver of the requirements for licensure for the grade level or subject area in which the teacher is employed; or
(III) Otherwise providing instruction without an endorsement for the subject area in which the teacher is employed; and
(3) The degree held by the teacher and any other graduate certification or degree held by the teacher, including, without limitation, the field in which each degree or certification was obtained; and
(b) If a paraprofessional, as defined in NRS 391.008, provides services to the pupil, the qualifications of the paraprofessional.
2. At the beginning of each school year, the board of trustees of each school district and the governing body of each charter school shall provide written notice to the parents and guardians of each pupil enrolled in a school within the school district or enrolled in the charter school, as applicable, that a parent or guardian may request information pursuant to subsection 1. The State Board shall prescribe the date by which the notice required by this subsection must be provided.
3. The information required pursuant to subsection 1 and the notice required pursuant to subsection 2 must be provided in a uniform and understandable format and, to the extent practicable, in a language that parents and guardians can understand.
(Added to NRS by 2003, 19th Special Session, 69)