1. A university school for profoundly gifted pupils shall determine the eligibility of a pupil for admission to the school based upon a comprehensive assessment of the pupil’s potential for academic and intellectual achievement at the school, including, without limitation, intellectual and academic ability, motivation, emotional maturity and readiness for the environment of an accelerated educational program. The assessment must be conducted by a broad-based committee of professionals in the field of education.
2. A person who wishes to apply for admission to a university school for profoundly gifted pupils must:
(a) Submit to the governing body of the school:
(1) A completed application;
(2) Evidence that the applicant possesses advanced intellectual and academic ability, including, without limitation, proof that he or she satisfies the requirements of NRS 392A.030;
(3) At least three letters of recommendation from teachers or mentors familiar with the academic and intellectual ability of the applicant;
(4) A transcript from each school previously attended by the applicant; and
(5) Such other information as may be requested by the university school or governing body of the school.
(b) If requested by the governing body of the school, participate in an on-campus interview.
3. The curriculum developed for pupils in a university school for profoundly gifted pupils must provide exposure to the subject areas required of pupils enrolled in other public schools.
4. The Superintendent of Public Instruction shall, upon recommendation of the governing body, issue a high school diploma to a pupil who is enrolled in a university school for profoundly gifted pupils if that pupil successfully passes the high school proficiency examination and the courses in American government and American history as required by NRS 389.020 and 389.030, and successfully completes any requirements established by the State Board of Education for graduation from high school.
5. On or before March 1 of each odd-numbered year, the governing body of a university school for profoundly gifted pupils shall prepare and submit to the Superintendent of Public Instruction, the president of the university where the university school for profoundly gifted pupils is located, the State Board and the Director of the Legislative Counsel Bureau a report that contains information regarding the school, including, without limitation, the process used by the school to identify and recruit profoundly gifted pupils from diverse backgrounds and with diverse talents, and data assessing the success of the school in meeting the educational needs of its pupils.
(Added to NRS by 2005, 2426; A 2007, 1211)