1. If a crisis that requires immediate action occurs at a private school, the principal or other person in charge of the private school involved, or his or her designated representative, shall, in accordance with the plan to respond to a crisis developed for the school pursuant to NRS 394.1687 and in accordance with any deviation approved pursuant to NRS 394.1692, contact all appropriate local agencies to respond to the crisis.
2. If a local agency that is responsible for responding to a crisis is contacted pursuant to subsection 1 and the local agency determines that the crisis requires assistance from a state agency, the local agency may:
(a) If a local organization for emergency management has been established in the city or county in which the local agency that was contacted is located, through such local organization for emergency management, notify the Division of Emergency Management of the Department of Public Safety of the crisis and request assistance from the Division in responding to the crisis; or
(b) If a local organization for emergency management has not been established in the city or county in which the local agency that was contacted is located, directly notify the Division of Emergency Management of the Department of Public Safety of the crisis and request assistance from the Division in responding to the crisis.
3. If the Division of Emergency Management of the Department of Public Safety receives notification of a crisis and a request for assistance pursuant to subsection 2 and the Governor or the Governor’s designated representative determines that the crisis requires assistance from a state agency, the Division shall carry out its duties set forth in the plan developed pursuant to NRS 392.640 and its duties set forth in chapter 414 of NRS, including, without limitation, addressing the immediate crisis and coordinating the appropriate and available local, state and federal resources to provide support services and counseling to pupils, teachers, and parents or legal guardians of pupils, and providing support for law enforcement agencies, for as long as is reasonably necessary.
(Added to NRS by 2001, 1333)