1. For the purposes of this section:
(a) “Bona fide resident” shall be construed in accordance with the provisions of NRS 10.155 and policies established by the Board of Regents, to the extent that those policies do not conflict with any statute. The qualification “bona fide” is intended to ensure that the residence is genuine and established for purposes other than the avoidance of tuition.
(b) “Matriculation” has the meaning ascribed to it in regulations adopted by the Board of Regents.
(c) “Tuition charge” means a charge assessed against students who are not residents of Nevada and which is in addition to registration fees or other fees assessed against students who are residents of Nevada.
2. The Board of Regents may fix a tuition charge for students at all campuses of the System, but tuition must be free to:
(a) All students whose families have been bona fide residents of the State of Nevada for at least 12 months before the matriculation of the student at a university, state college or community college within the System;
(b) All students whose families reside outside of the State of Nevada, providing such students have themselves been bona fide residents of the State of Nevada for at least 12 months before their matriculation at a university, state college or community college within the System;
(c) All public school teachers who are employed full-time by school districts in the State of Nevada;
(d) All full-time teachers in private elementary, secondary and postsecondary educational institutions in the State of Nevada whose curricula meet the requirements of chapter 394 of NRS;
(e) Employees of the System who take classes other than during their regular working hours;
(f) Members of the Armed Forces of the United States who are on active duty and stationed at a military installation in the State of Nevada; and
(g) Veterans of the Armed Forces of the United States who were honorably discharged and who were on active duty while stationed at a military installation in the State of Nevada or a military installation in another state which has a specific nexus to this State, including, without limitation, the Marine Corps Mountain Warfare Training Center located at Pickel Meadow, California, on the date of discharge.
3. The Board of Regents may grant tuitions free each semester to other worthwhile and deserving students from other states and foreign countries, in a number not to exceed a number equal to 3 percent of the total matriculated enrollment of students for the last preceding fall semester.
[10:37:1887; A 1921, 7; 1945, 258; 1943 NCL § 7735]—(NRS A 1959, 285; 1963, 78; 1965, 214; 1969, 1436; 1975, 1517; 2005, 361, 1421; 2009, 2291)