1. The board shall elect a clerk from among its members.
2. If, at a primary, general or special election, a majority of the voters of the county approve the issuance of bonds for roads and bridges, the clerk shall receive in addition to his or her regular salary $25 per month. The salary must be paid out of the county treasury in the manner provided for the payment of county officials.
3. The clerk shall:
(a) Keep a full and complete record of all the proceedings of the board and an accurate account of all expenditures of money. The account must show the purposes for which, and the persons to whom, the expenditures were ordered expended.
(b) Immediately after each meeting of the board, or as soon thereafter as may be practical, cause to be printed in a newspaper or newspapers of general circulation in the county, to be designated by the board, all the records and accounts of the board.
(c) On or about January 1 and July 1 of each year, cause to be published a general statement of all expenditures made by the board.
(d) Keep the clerk’s records and accounts in suitable books provided by the county. The records and accounts must be open to inspection by any qualified elector.
(e) Keep an inventory of all machinery, implements and other property purchased for road and bridge work, and shall exercise general care and supervision of the machinery, implements and other property.
(f) Perform such other duties as may be prescribed by this chapter or by the board of county highway commissioners.
[Part 3: Art. 1:257:1913; 1919 RL p. 2898; NCL § 5358] + [Part 3:Art. 3:257:1913; 1919 RL p. 2903; NCL § 5374]—(NRS A 1993, 1077)