1. At any time when a majority of the resident taxpayers of a road district, according to the last previous assessment roll, petitions the board of county commissioners for the location, opening for public use, establishment, change or vacation of any public road or highway, or road to connect with any highway or any street or alley in any unincorporated town in the county, setting forth in the petition the beginning, course and termination of such road, highway, street or alley proposed to be located and opened for public use, established, changed or vacated, together with the names of the owner or owners of the land through which the same will pass, the petition may be presented to the county clerk of the county. The county clerk shall lay the petition before the board of county commissioners at the next meeting of the board after the reception of the petition.
2. Within 30 days thereafter, the board of county commissioners shall proceed to locate, open to public use, establish, change or vacate such road, highway, street or alley.
[Part 10:101:1875; A 1877, 141; 1895, 35; C § 479; RL § 3015; NCL § 5403]—(NRS A 1977, 1526)