1. The Governor or the Governor’s duly designated representative may create and establish such number of mobile support units as may be necessary to reinforce organizations for emergency management in stricken areas and with due consideration of the plans of the Federal Government and of other states. The Governor may appoint a commander for each such unit who has primary responsibility for the organization, administration and operation of the unit. Mobile support units may be called to duty upon orders of the Governor and shall perform their functions in any part of the State, or, upon the conditions specified in this section, in other states.
2. Personnel of mobile support units while on duty, whether within or without the State:
(a) If they are employees of the State, have the powers, duties, rights, privileges and immunities and receive the compensation incidental to their employment.
(b) If they are employees of a political subdivision of the State, and whether serving within or without that political subdivision, have the powers, duties, rights, privileges and immunities and receive the compensation incidental to their employment.
(c) If they are not employees of the State or a political subdivision thereof, are entitled to compensation by the State at $10 per day and to the same rights and immunities as are provided by law for the employees of the State. All personnel of mobile support units, while on duty, are subject to the operational control of the authority in charge of activities for emergency management in the area in which they are serving, and must be reimbursed for all actual and necessary travel and subsistence expenses.
3. The State may reimburse a political subdivision for the compensation paid and actual and necessary travel, subsistence and maintenance expenses of employees of such political subdivision while serving as members of a mobile support unit, for all payments for death, disability or injury of such employees incurred in the course of duty, and for all losses of or damage to supplies and equipment of the political subdivision resulting from the operation of such mobile support unit.
[8:293:1953]—(NRS A 1983, 172)