1. Assist veterans, and those presently serving in the military and naval forces of the United States who are residents of the State of Nevada, their wives, widows, widowers, husbands, children, dependents, administrators, executors and personal representatives, in preparing, submitting and presenting any claim against the United States, or any state, for adjusted compensation, hospitalization, insurance, pension, disability compensation, vocational training, education or rehabilitation and assist them in obtaining any aid or benefit to which they may, from time to time, be entitled under the laws of the United States or of any of the states.
2. Aid, assist, encourage and cooperate with every nationally recognized service organization insofar as the activities of such organizations are for the benefit of veterans and servicemen and women.
3. Give aid, assistance and counsel to each and every problem, question and situation, individual as well as collective, affecting any veteran or serviceman or woman, or their dependents, or any group of veterans or servicemen and women, when in their opinion such comes within the scope of this chapter.
4. Coordinate activities of veterans’ organizations.
5. Serve as a clearinghouse and disseminate information relating to veterans’ benefits.
6. Conduct any studies which will assist veterans to obtain compensation, hospitalization, insurance, pension, disability compensation, vocational training, education, rehabilitation or any other benefit to which veterans may be entitled under the laws of the United States or of any state.
7. Aid, assist and cooperate with the office of coordinator of services for veterans created in a county pursuant to NRS 244.401.
8. Pay to each county that creates the office of coordinator of services for veterans, from state money available to him or her, a portion of the cost of operating the office in an amount determined by the Executive Director.
9. Take possession of any abandoned or unclaimed artifacts or other property that has military value for safekeeping. The Executive Director or Deputy Executive Director may transfer such property to a veterans’ or military museum.
[3:189:1943; A 1947, 779; 1943 NCL § 6879.02]—(NRS A 1977, 1216; 1979, 326; 1997, 1319, 2585; 2009, 385)