1. Money to carry out the provisions of this chapter, including, without limitation, any federal money allotted to the State of Nevada pursuant to the program to provide Temporary Assistance for Needy Families and the Program for Child Care and Development, must, except as otherwise provided in NRS 422.2726 to 422.2729, inclusive, 422.3755 to 422.379, inclusive, and 439.630, be provided by appropriation by the Legislature from the State General Fund.
2. Disbursements for the purposes of this chapter must, except as otherwise provided in NRS 422.2726 to 422.2729, inclusive, 422.3755 to 422.379, inclusive, and 439.630, be made upon claims duly filed and allowed in the same manner as other money in the State Treasury is disbursed.
[14:327:1949; 1943 NCL § 5146.14]—(NRS A 1975, 175; 1991, 1051; 1997, 2236, 2621; 1999, 547, 550, 1427, 2242; 2001, 91, 1519; 2003, 629, 873, 1747; 2005, 736, 923, 1674, 2451; 2005, 22nd Special Session, 25)