1. The State of Nevada assents to the purposes of the Act of Congress of the United States entitled the “Social Security Act,” approved August 14, 1935, and assents to such additional federal legislation as is not inconsistent with the purposes of this chapter and NRS 432.010 to 432.085, inclusive.
2. The State of Nevada further accepts, with the approval of the Governor, the appropriations of money by Congress in pursuance of the Social Security Act and authorizes the receipt of such money into the State Treasury for the use of the Department in accordance with this chapter, NRS 432.010 to 432.085, inclusive, and the conditions imposed by the Social Security Act.
3. The State of Nevada may accept, with the approval of the Governor, any additional funds which may become or are made available for extension of programs and services administered by the Department under the provisions of the Social Security Act. Such money must be deposited in the State Treasury for the use of the Department in accordance with this chapter, NRS 432.010 to 432.085, inclusive, and the conditions and purposes under which granted by the Federal Government.
[1:327:1949; 1943 NCL § 5146.01]—(NRS A 1963, 905; 1965, 329; 1993, 2693; 2005, 22nd Special Session, 25)