1. The Director or a representative designated by the Director shall:
(a) Promptly comply with a request from the Unit for access to and free copies of any records or other information in the possession of the Department regarding a provider; and
(b) Refer to the Unit all cases in which the Director or designated representative suspects that a provider has committed an offense pursuant to NRS 422.540 to 422.570, inclusive.
2. As used in this section:
(a) “Provider” means a person who has applied to participate or who participates in the State Plan for Medicaid as the provider of goods or services.
(b) “Unit” means the Medicaid Fraud Control Unit established in the Office of the Attorney General pursuant to NRS 228.410.
(Added to NRS by 1991, 1050; A 1997, 1238, 2620; 1999, 2242; 2003, 659)—(Substituted in revision for NRS 422.2345)