1. To restrict the use or disclosure of any information concerning applicants for and recipients of public assistance or assistance pursuant to the Children’s Health Insurance Program to purposes directly connected to the administration of this chapter, and to provide safeguards therefor, under the applicable provisions of the Social Security Act, the Division shall establish and enforce reasonable regulations governing the custody, use and preservation of any records, files and communications filed with the Division.
2. If, pursuant to a specific statute or a regulation of the Division, names and addresses of, or information concerning, applicants for and recipients of assistance, including, without limitation, assistance pursuant to the Children’s Health Insurance Program, are furnished to or held by any other agency or department of government, such agency or department of government is bound by the regulations of the Division prohibiting the publication of lists and records thereof or their use for purposes not directly connected with the administration of this chapter.
3. Except for purposes directly connected with the administration of this chapter, no person may publish, disclose or use, or permit or cause to be published, disclosed or used, any confidential information pertaining to a recipient of assistance, including, without limitation, a recipient of assistance pursuant to the Children’s Health Insurance Program, under the provisions of this chapter.
[12:327:1949; 1943 NCL § 5146.12]—(NRS A 1959, 518; 1963, 906; 1991, 1052; 1993, 2694; 1997, 2624; 1999, 2227, 2242; 2005, 22nd Special Session, 30)