1. No person may conduct a family foster home, a specialized foster home or a group foster home without receiving a license to do so from the licensing authority.
2. No license may be issued to a family foster home, a specialized foster home or a group foster home until a fair and impartial investigation of the home and its standards of care has been made by the licensing authority or its designee.
3. Any family foster home, specialized foster home or group foster home that conforms to the established standards of care and prescribed rules must receive a regular license from the licensing authority, which may be in force for 2 years after the date of issuance. On reconsideration of the standards maintained, the license may be renewed upon expiration.
4. If a family foster home, a specialized foster home or a group foster home does not meet minimum licensing standards but offers values and advantages to a particular child or children and will not jeopardize the health and safety of the child or children placed therein, the family foster home, specialized foster home or group foster home may be issued a special license, which must be in force for 1 year after the date of issuance and may be renewed annually. No foster children other than those specified on the license may be cared for in the home.
5. The license must show:
(a) The name of the persons licensed to conduct the family foster home, specialized foster home or group foster home.
(b) The exact location of the family foster home, specialized foster home or group foster home.
(c) The number of children that may be received and cared for at one time.
(d) If the license is a special license issued pursuant to subsection 4, the name of the child or children for whom the family foster home, specialized foster home or group foster home is licensed to provide care.
6. No family foster home, specialized foster home or group foster home may receive for care more children than are specified in the license.
7. In consultation with each licensing authority in a county whose population is 100,000 or more, the Division may adopt regulations regarding the issuance of provisional and special licenses.
[Part 1:185:1939; 1931 NCL § 1061] + [Part 2:185:1939; 1931 NCL § 1061.01]—(NRS A 1963, 909; 1965, 328; 1967, 1154; 1973, 1165, 1406; 1975, 76; 1993, 2696; 1995, 1788; 2001 Special Session, 24; 2009, 1488, effective January 1, 2011)