1. A claim may be filed with the assessor of the county in which the claimant’s home or mobile home lot is located not earlier than February 1 and not later than April 30.
2. The claim must be made under oath and filed in such form and content, and accompanied by such proof, as the Division may prescribe.
3. The Division or county assessor shall provide the appropriate form to each claimant.
4. The county assessor shall, within 30 days after receiving a claim for a refund:
(a) Process the application;
(b) Determine the assessed valuation of the property to which the claim applies, if applicable; and
(c) Submit the claim to the Division.
5. The Division shall not accept a claim submitted pursuant to subsection 4 after July 1, unless an extension of time to file a claim is provided for by regulation pursuant to NRS 427A.590.
(Added to NRS by 2001, 2658; A 2003, 2019)