1. The Committee shall, to the extent money is available from any source:
(a) Adopt rules for its own governance.
(b) Meet at least once each calendar quarter and at other times upon the call of the Chair.
(c) Make recommendations to the Health Division for the establishment of a comprehensive plan for the prevention of stroke, heart disease and other vascular disease in this State which must:
(1) Emphasize the development of a policy for the primary prevention and secondary prevention of stroke;
(2) Include recommendations to eliminate disparities in vascular health among populations that are disproportionally affected by stroke, heart disease and other vascular disease;
(3) Include recommendations concerning methods of increasing public knowledge and awareness relating to vascular health, including, without limitation, the prevention and treatment of stroke, heart disease and other vascular disease;
(4) Include recommendations concerning acute stroke treatment, including treatment during the hyperacute and emergency phases of stroke;
(5) Include recommendations concerning the rehabilitation of patients and continuous quality improvement activities for medical facilities and providers of health care; and
(6) Include recommendations concerning the notification and response of emergency medical services.
(d) On or before May 1 of each year, submit a written report to the Health Division summarizing the activities of the Committee and any recommendations it has made.
(e) In carrying out its duties, solicit suggestions and information from:
(1) Providers of emergency medical services;
(2) Associations of medical professionals;
(3) Hospitals;
(4) The Health Division;
(5) The Board of Medical Examiners and other boards responsible for issuing a license to a provider of health care; and
(6) Other persons with interests relating to vascular health as deemed necessary by the Committee.
2. In making the recommendations required by paragraph (c) of subsection 1, the Committee shall not consider or address any issue concerning the transfer of a patient.
3. A majority of the members of the Committee constitutes a quorum for the transaction of business, and a majority of a quorum present at any meeting is sufficient for any official action taken by the Committee.
(Added to NRS by 2009, 294, effective July 1, 2010)