1. Within the limitations of available funding, the Health Division shall establish the Advisory Committee on the Arthritis Prevention and Control Program established pursuant to NRS 439.501 to make recommendations to the Health Division concerning the Arthritis Prevention and Control Program.
2. The Administrator shall:
(a) Solicit recommendations for the appointment of members to the Advisory Committee on the Arthritis Prevention and Control Program from organizations that are representative of a broad range of persons with arthritis and organizations interested in the issues affecting persons with arthritis; and
(b) Appoint to the Advisory Committee such members as the Administrator deems appropriate, including, without limitation, one or more persons who are representative of:
(1) Persons with arthritis;
(2) Public health care professionals and educators;
(3) Medical experts on arthritis;
(4) Providers of health care who provide services related to arthritis;
(5) Persons knowledgeable in promoting and educating the public on health issues; and
(6) National arthritis and other public health organizations and their local or state chapters.
3. After the initial term, the term of each member is 2 years. A member may be reappointed.
4. Members of the Advisory Committee serve without compensation, except that each member is entitled, while engaged in the business of the Advisory Committee and within the limitations of available funding, to the per diem allowance and travel expenses provided for state officers and employees generally.
5. A majority of the members of the Advisory Committee constitutes a quorum for the transaction of business, and a majority of a quorum present at any meeting is sufficient for any official action taken by the Advisory Committee.
6. The Advisory Committee shall:
(a) At its first meeting and annually thereafter, elect a Chair from among its members; and
(b) Meet at the call of the Administrator, the Chair or a majority of its members quarterly or as is necessary, within the budget of the Advisory Committee, to provide the Administrator with appropriate assistance to carry out the Arthritis Prevention and Control Program.
(Added to NRS by 2003, 1344)