1. Certificates accepted subsequent to 4 years after the time prescribed for filing and certificates which have been altered after being filed with the State Registrar shall contain the date of the delayed filing and the date of the alteration and be marked distinctly “Delayed” or “Altered.”
2. After a certificate has been accepted for delayed filing or after the Board has permitted an alteration of a certificate on file, the alteration shall be noted by the State Registrar on the reverse side of the certificate, together with a summary statement of the evidence submitted in support of the alteration.
3. All the evidence affecting the alteration of a certificate, after it has been filed with the State Registrar, shall be kept in a special permanent file.
[43:199:1911; added 1941, 381; 1931 NCL § 5268.12]
NRS 440.640 Delayed or altered certificates as evidence. The admissibility in evidence of a “delayed” or “altered” certificate shall be subject to the discretion of the court, judicial or administrative body or official to whom any such certificate is offered as evidence.
[44:199:1911; added 1941, 381; 1931 NCL § 5268.13]