1. Not later than the fifth day of each month, deputy county health officers shall file with the county health officer all original birth and death certificates executed by them.
2. Within 5 days after receipt of the original death certificates, the county health officer shall file with the public administrator a written list of the names and social security numbers of all deceased persons and the names of their next of kin as those names appear on the certificates.
[Part 6:199:1911; A 1913, 126; 1919, 221; 1919 RL § 2957; NCL § 5240]—(NRS A 1971, 508; 1997, 2338)
NRS 440.260 Certificates of birth and death: Time for delivery to State Registrar. On the 10th day of each month the local health officer shall transmit to the State Registrar all original certificates registered by him or her during the preceding month. If no births or deaths occurred in any month, the local health officer shall report that fact to the State Registrar, on the 10th day of the following month, on a card provided for that purpose.
[Part 19:199:1911; RL § 2970; NCL § 5253]—(NRS A 1963, 943)