1. All certificates in the custody of the State Registrar are open to inspection subject to the provisions of this chapter. It is unlawful for any employee of the State to disclose data contained in vital statistics, except as authorized by this chapter or by the Board.
2. Information in vital statistics indicating that a birth occurred out of wedlock must not be disclosed except upon order of a court of competent jurisdiction.
3. The Board:
(a) Shall allow the use of data contained in vital statistics to carry out the provisions of NRS 442.300 to 442.330, inclusive;
(b) Shall allow the use of certificates of death by a multidisciplinary team to review the death of a child established pursuant to NRS 432B.405 and 432B.406; and
(c) May allow the use of data contained in vital statistics for other research purposes, but without identifying the persons to whom the records relate.
[Part 45:199:1911; added 1941, 381; 1931 NCL § 5268.14]—(NRS A 1967, 1107; 1999, 3508; 2003, 865)