1. Any physician, midwife, nurse, obstetric center or hospital of any nature, parent, relative or person attending or assisting in any way any infant, or the mother of any infant, at childbirth, or any time within 2 weeks after childbirth, knowing the condition defined in NRS 442.030 to exist, shall immediately report such fact in writing to the local health officer of the county, city or other political subdivision within which the infant or the mother of any infant may reside.
2. Midwives shall immediately report conditions to some qualified practitioner of medicine and thereupon withdraw from the case except as they may act under the physician’s instructions.
3. On receipt of such report, the health officer, or the physician notified by a midwife, shall immediately give to the parents or persons having charge of such infant a warning of the dangers to the eye or eyes of the infant, and shall, for indigent cases, provide the necessary treatment at the expense of the county, city or other political subdivision.
[2:230:1921; NCL § 5291]—(NRS A 1977, 960; 1999, 3511)