1. Enforce the provisions of NRS 442.030 to 442.110, inclusive.
2. Publish such advice and information concerning the dangers of inflammation of the eyes of the newborn as is necessary for prompt and effective treatment.
3. Furnish copies of NRS 442.030 to 442.110, inclusive, to all physicians and midwives who may be engaged in the practice of obstetrics, or assisting at childbirth.
4. Keep the proper record of any and all cases of inflammation of the eyes of the newborn which shall be filed in the office of the Health Division in pursuance of the law, and which may come to its attention in any way, and constitute such records as part of the biennial report to the Director.
5. Report any and all violations of NRS 442.030 to 442.110, inclusive, that may come to its attention to the district attorney of the county wherein the misdemeanor may have been committed, and shall assist the district attorney in any way possible, such as securing necessary evidence.
6. Furnish birth certificates, which shall include the question, “Did you comply with NRS 442.050? If so, state what solution used.”
7. Within the limit of funds available, provide medical services, appliances, drugs and information for birth control.
[6:230:1921; NCL § 5295]—(NRS A 1963, 947; 1965, 529)