442.100 Interference with treatment by prayer or mental or spiritual means. None of the provisions of NRS 442.030 to 442.110, inclusive, or the laws of this State regulating the practice of medicine or healing shall be construed to interfere with the treatment by prayer, or with any person who administers to or treats the sick or suffering by mental or spiritual means, nor shall any person who selects such treatment for the cure of disease be compelled to submit to any form of medical treatment.
[10:230:1921; NCL § 5299]
NRS 442.110 Penalty. Any physician, midwife, nurse, manager or person in charge of an obstetric center or hospital, parent, relative or person attending upon or assisting at the birth of an infant who violates any of the provisions of NRS 442.030 to 442.100, inclusive, shall be punished by a fine of not more than $250.
[8:230:1921; NCL § 5297]—(NRS A 1967, 579; 1977, 960; 1979, 1470; 1999, 3511)