1. The Administrator of the Health Division shall administer and enforce the provisions of NRS 442.180 to 442.220, inclusive, and of the plan or plans formulated and adopted for the purposes of NRS 442.180 to 442.220, inclusive, and all regulations necessary thereto and adopted by the State Board of Health.
2. The Administrator shall administer and enforce all regulations adopted by the State Board of Health for the efficient operation of such plan or plans formulated by the State Board of Health and the Health Division for the purposes of NRS 442.180 to 442.220, inclusive.
3. The Administrator shall maintain his or her office in Carson City, Nevada, or elsewhere in the State as directed by the Director, and keep therein all records, reports, papers, books and documents pertaining to the subjects of NRS 442.180 to 442.220, inclusive. The Administrator, when directed by the terms of any plan or plans perfected, or by the Director, shall provide in such places within the State such medical, surgical or other agency or agencies as may be necessary to carry out the provisions of such plan or plans and of NRS 442.180 to 442.220, inclusive. If the proper medical or surgical services cannot be had within the State for any child with special health care needs, the Secretary of the State Board of Health may provide for those services in some other state.
4. The Administrator shall, from time to time as directed by the Secretary of Health and Human Services, make reports, in such form and containing such information concerning the subjects of NRS 442.180 to 442.220, inclusive, as the Secretary of Health and Human Services requires.
5. The Administrator shall from time to time pursuant to the rules and regulations of the Secretary of Health and Human Services and of the Secretary of the Treasury, requisition and cause to be deposited with the State Treasurer all money allotted to this state by the Federal Government for the purposes of NRS 442.180 to 442.220, inclusive. The Administrator shall cause to be paid out of the State Treasury the money therein deposited for the purposes of NRS 442.180 to 442.220, inclusive.
[3:119:1937; 1931 NCL § 5316.03]—(NRS A 1963, 951; 1975, 75; 1983, 138, 835; 1991, 282)