1. “Food handler” means any person employed in or operating a food establishment, whether that person is an employer, employee or other natural person, who handles, stores, transports, prepares, manufactures, serves or sells food, or who comes in contact with eating or cooking utensils or other equipment used in the handling, preparation, manufacture, service or sale of food.
2. The term does not include a person who:
(a) Only handles, stores, transports, sells or otherwise comes in contact with food that is sealed and packaged for sale directly to the consumer;
(b) If the food is potentially hazardous food, handles the food only occasionally and incidentally to his or her responsibilities or employment, and such handling is not part of his or her regularly scheduled responsibilities or employment; or
(c) Is providing services as a cashier, salesperson, stock clerk, warehouse or dockworker, delivery person or maintenance staff or providing services in a similar position with limited food-handling responsibility.
[Part 1:116:1943; 1943 NCL § 5319]—(NRS A 1969, 803; 2001, 1505; 2003, 595; 2007, 2175)