1. Operating expenses related to patient care.
2. Expenses incurred for rendering services to patients for whom payment is not made in full including, but not limited to, the separate expenses for contractual allowances imposed by federal or state law, charity care and uncollectible accounts.
3. All incurred interest charges on indebtedness for both capital and operating needs.
4. Costs of education, both primary and continuing.
5. Expenses for research related to patient care.
6. Depreciation expenses of both property and equipment.
7. Amortization of incurred capital and operating related indebtedness.
8. Requirements for capital expenditures for replacement, modernization, renovation and expansion of services and facilities.
9. Requirements for necessary working capital, including but not limited to operating cash, patients’ accounts receivable and inventories.
10. Federal, state and local taxes not ordinarily considered operating expenses where applicable.
11. Operating surpluses necessary for a fair return to their owners equal to returns on investments in industries of comparable risk, or for the purpose of assuring continuity of operation and prudent management.
(Added to NRS by 1975, 703; A 1985, 1364)