1. Upon receipt of an application for a license, conduct an investigation into the premises, facilities, qualifications of personnel, methods of operation, policies and purposes of any person proposing to engage in the operation of a medical facility or a facility for the dependent. The facility is subject to inspection and approval as to standards for safety from fire, on behalf of the Health Division, by the State Fire Marshal.
2. Upon receipt of a complaint against a medical facility or facility for the dependent, except for a complaint concerning the cost of services, conduct an investigation into the premises, facilities, qualifications of personnel, methods of operation, policies, procedures and records of that facility or any other medical facility or facility for the dependent which may have information pertinent to the complaint.
3. Employ such professional, technical and clerical assistance as it deems necessary to carry out the provisions of NRS 449.001 to 449.245, inclusive.
[Part 6:336:1951]—(NRS A 1963, 960; 1969, 945; 1971, 936; 1973, 1284; 1975, 898; 1977, 642; 1985, 1220)