1. In order to provide state assistance for construction projects for publicly owned general hospitals, hospitals for the chronically ill and impaired, facilities for persons with mental retardation, community mental health facilities, diagnostic or diagnostic and treatment centers, rehabilitation facilities, nursing homes and other facilities financed in part by federal funds in accordance with NRS 449.250 to 449.430, inclusive, and to promote maximum utilization of federal funds available for such projects, there is hereby created in the State Treasury a nonreverting trust fund to be known as the State Public Health Facilities Construction Assistance Fund. Money for the Fund may be provided from time to time by legislative appropriation.
2. The State Public Health Facilities Construction Assistance Fund must be administered by the State Department in accordance with the purposes and provisions of NRS 449.250 to 449.430, inclusive.
[17.1:219:1949; added 1956, 47]—(NRS A 1965, 989; 1985, 1744)