1. Chemical restraint may only be used on a person with a disability who is a patient at a facility if:
(a) The patient has been diagnosed as a person with mental illness, as defined in NRS 433A.115, and is receiving mental health services from a facility;
(b) The chemical restraint is administered to the patient while he or she is under the care of the facility;
(c) An emergency exists that necessitates the use of chemical restraint;
(d) A medical order authorizing the use of chemical restraint is obtained from the patient’s attending physician or psychiatrist;
(e) The physician or psychiatrist who signed the order required pursuant to paragraph (d) examines the patient not later than 1 working day immediately after the administration of the chemical restraint; and
(f) The chemical restraint is administered by a person licensed to administer medication.
2. If chemical restraint is used on a person with a disability who is a patient, the use of the procedure must be reported as a denial of rights pursuant to NRS 449.786, regardless of whether the use of the procedure is authorized by statute. The report must be made not later than 1 working day after the procedure is used.
(Added to NRS by 1999, 3250)