1. Except in counties where the board of county commissioners is the board of hospital trustees, in any county whose population is less than 100,000:
(a) A hospital trustee is entitled to receive a salary as follows:
(1) The chair and secretary of the board of hospital trustees are entitled to receive $85 for each meeting of the board or a committee appointed by the board that they attend, not to exceed $510 per month.
(2) The other trustees are entitled to receive $80 for each meeting of the board or a committee appointed by the board that they attend, not to exceed $480 per month.
(b) In addition to the salary required by paragraph (a), the board of hospital trustees may provide to each member of the board the same health insurance coverage as the board provides to its employees.
2. Except in counties where the board of county commissioners is the board of hospital trustees, in any county whose population is 100,000 or more, a hospital trustee, subject to the provisions of subsection 3, is entitled to receive a salary of $100 per month and the chair of the board of hospital trustees is entitled to receive a salary of $200 per month.
3. Before any hospital trustee is entitled to any compensation as provided in subsection 2, he or she must first have devoted a minimum of 1 day during the month exclusively to the business and affairs of the hospital, exclusive of regular meetings of the board of hospital trustees.
4. Any trustee of any county hospital is entitled to receive reimbursement for any cash expenditures actually made for personal expenses incurred as a trustee. An itemized statement of all those expenses and money paid out must be made under oath by each of the trustees and filed with the secretary. An itemized statement may be allowed only by an affirmative vote of all trustees present at a meeting of the board.
5. In counties where the county commissioners are the board of hospital trustees, they shall serve without compensation, but are allowed the per diem allowance and traveling expenses fixed by law.
[Part 3:169:1929; A 1955, 244]—(NRS A 1973, 319; 1975, 1103; 1979, 549; 1993, 921; 1995, 792; 2001, 364)