1. The Committee on Emergency Medical Services, consisting of nine members appointed by the State Board of Health, is hereby created.
2. Upon request of the State Board of Health, employee associations that represent persons that provide emergency medical services, including, without limitation, physicians and nurses that provide emergency medical services, emergency medical technicians, ambulance attendants, firefighters, fire chiefs and employees of rural hospitals, shall submit to the State Board of Health written nominations for appointments to the Committee.
3. After considering the nominations submitted pursuant to subsection 2, the State Board of Health shall appoint to the Committee:
(a) One member who is a physician licensed pursuant to chapter 630 or 633 of NRS and who has experience providing emergency medical services;
(b) One member who is a registered nurse and who has experience providing emergency medical services;
(c) One member who is a volunteer firefighter;
(d) One member who is employed by a fire-fighting agency at which some of the firefighters are employed and some serve as volunteers;
(e) One member who is employed by an urban fire-fighting agency;
(f) One member who is employed by or serves as a volunteer with a medical facility that is located in a rural area and that provides emergency medical services;
(g) One member who is employed by an organization that provides emergency medical services in an air ambulance and whose duties are closely related to such emergency medical services;
(h) One member who is employed by a privately owned entity that provides emergency medical services; and
(i) One member who is employed by an operator of a service which is:
(1) Provided for the benefit of the employees of an industry who become sick or are injured at the industrial site; and
(2) Staffed by employees who are licensed attendants and perform emergency medical services primarily for the industry.
4. In addition to the members set forth in subsection 3, the following persons are ex officio members of the Committee:
(a) An employee of the Health Division, appointed by the Administrator of the Health Division, whose duties relate to administration and enforcement of the provisions of this chapter;
(b) The county health officer appointed pursuant to NRS 439.290 in each county whose population is 100,000 or more, or the county health officer’s designee;
(c) A physician who is a member of a committee which consists of directors of trauma centers in this State and who is nominated by that committee; and
(d) A representative of a committee or group which focuses on the provision of emergency medical services to children in this State and who is nominated by that committee or group.
5. The term of each member appointed by the State Board of Health is 2 years. A member may not serve more than two consecutive terms but may serve more than two terms if there is a break in service of not less than 2 years.
6. The State Board of Health shall not appoint to the Committee two persons who are employed by or volunteer with the same organization, except the State Board of Health may appoint a person who is employed by or volunteers with the same organization of which a member who serves ex officio is an employee.
7. Each member of the Committee shall appoint an alternate to serve in the member’s place if the member is temporarily unable to perform the duties required of him or her pursuant to NRS 450B.151 to 450B.154, inclusive.
8. A position on the Committee that becomes vacant before the end of the term of the member must be filled in the same manner as the original appointment.
(Added to NRS by 1999, 1170; A 2005, 330; 2009, 666)