1. The right to dissect the dead body of a human being is limited to cases:
(a) Specially provided by statute or by the direction or will of the deceased.
(b) Where a coroner is authorized under NRS 259.050 or an ordinance enacted pursuant to NRS 244.163 to hold an inquest upon the body, and then only as the coroner may authorize dissection.
(c) Where the husband, wife or next of kin charged by law with the duty of burial authorize dissection for the purpose of ascertaining the cause of death, and then only to the extent so authorized.
(d) Where authorized by the provisions of NRS 451.350 to 451.470, inclusive.
(e) Where authorized by the provisions of NRS 451.500 to 451.598, inclusive.
2. Every person who makes, causes or procures to be made any dissection of the body of a human being, except as provided in subsection 1, is guilty of a gross misdemeanor.
[1911 C&P § 208; RL § 6473; NCL § 10156]—(NRS A 1963, 198, 534; 1969, 161; 1989, 432; 2007, 793)