1. Any person, company, association or corporation in this State who shall exhume or disinter, or who shall cause to be exhumed or disinterred, any human remains, or any part of such remains, which have been buried in the ground in this State, for the purpose of transporting the same to any other state or foreign country, except under the conditions provided in subsection 2, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.
2. The boards of county commissioners of the several counties in which human remains are buried or interred, as provided in subsection 1, are authorized to grant and to issue written permits for the disinterment and removal of any such human remains referred to in subsection 1, whenever in their judgment the public health will not be endangered by such disinterment and removal; but no such permit shall be granted or issued under any circumstances or at any time where the person or persons buried or interred have died from or with any contagious or loathsome disease.
[1911 C&P § 287; RL § 6552; NCL § 10235] + [1911 C&P § 288; RL § 6553; NCL § 10236]—(NRS A 1967, 582)