1. It is unlawful for any person to vend, sell, give away or furnish, either directly or indirectly, any poisons enumerated in Schedules “A,” “B” and “C” in NRS 454.010 without labeling the container, package, box, bottle or paper in which the poison is contained with:
(a) The name of the article.
(b) The word “poison,” which shall be printed in boldface type in capital letters not less than twice the size of other type on the label.
(c) The name and place of business of the person or firm manufacturing or selling the poison.
(d) The vignette representing the skull and crossbones.
(e) The first aid treatment or antidote approved by the Board or the American Chemical Manufacturers Association for such poison.
(f) Any supplemental warnings or cautions required by either state or federal law or by regulations of the Board.
2. The label shall be printed in type that can be clearly read, upon red paper in distinct white letters or in distinct red letters upon white paper.
[Part 1:207:1913; 1919 RL p. 2882; NCL § 5075]—(NRS A 1959, 67; 1967, 1628)