1. If a board of county commissioners receives information from the Division of Minerals of the Commission on Mineral Resources that there is in the county a dangerous condition that results from mining practices which took place at a mine that is no longer operating, if the information identifies a person responsible for the condition, the board shall transmit this information to the sheriff or the constable of the township where the condition exists.
2. Upon receipt of information pursuant to subsection 1 or upon the filing of the notice, as provided for in NRS 455.020, the sheriff or constable shall serve a notice, in the same manner and form as a summons, upon each person identified as owner or otherwise responsible.
[3:16:1866; B § 111; BH § 292; C § 273; RL § 3235; NCL § 5632]—(NRS A 1983, 905; 1987, 1869; 1993, 1625; 1999, 3624)