1. All gaming license fees imposed by the provisions of NRS 463.370, 463.373 to 463.383, inclusive, and 463.3855 must be collected and disposed of as provided in this section.
2. All state gaming license fees and penalties must be collected by the Commission and paid over immediately to the State Treasurer to be disposed of as follows:
(a) Except as otherwise provided in paragraphs (c), (d) and (e), all state gaming license fees and penalties other than the license fees imposed by the provisions of NRS 463.380 must be deposited for credit to the State General Fund.
(b) All state gaming license fees imposed by the provisions of NRS 463.380 must, after deduction of costs of administration and collection, be divided equally among the various counties and transmitted to the respective county treasurers. Such fees, except as otherwise provided in this section, must be deposited by the county treasurer in the county general fund and be expended for county purposes. If the board of county commissioners desires to apportion and allocate all or a portion of such fees to one or more cities or towns within the county, the board of county commissioners shall, annually, before the preparation of the city or town budget or budgets as required by chapter 354 of NRS, adopt a resolution so apportioning and allocating a percentage of such fees anticipated to be received during the coming fiscal year to such city or cities or town or towns for the next fiscal year commencing July 1. After the adoption of the resolution, the percentage so apportioned and allocated must be converted to a dollar figure and included in the city or town budget or budgets as an estimated receipt for the next fiscal year. Quarterly, upon receipt of the money from the State, the county treasurer shall deposit an amount of money equal to the percentage so apportioned and allocated to the credit of the city or town fund to be used for city or town purposes, and the balance remaining must be deposited in the county general fund and must be expended for county purposes.
(c) One twenty-fifth of the license fee imposed by the provisions of NRS 463.370 on gross revenue which exceeds $134,000 per calendar month that is paid pursuant to subsection 2 of NRS 464.045 by persons licensed to conduct off-track pari-mutuel wagering must, after the deduction of costs of administration and collection, be allocated pro rata among the counties in this State whose population is less than 100,000 in which on-track pari-mutuel wagering is conducted. The allocation must be based upon the amounts paid from each such county pursuant to subsection 2 of NRS 466.125 and transmitted to the respective county treasurers. Money received by a county treasurer pursuant to this paragraph must be deposited in the county general fund and expended to augment any stakes, purses or rewards which are offered with respect to horse races conducted in that county by a state fair association, agricultural society or county fair and recreation board.
(d) Ten percent of the amount of the license fee imposed by the provisions of NRS 463.370 that is paid pursuant to subsection 2 of NRS 464.045 by persons licensed to conduct off-track pari-mutuel wagering which exceeds $5,036,938 per calendar year must, after the deduction of costs of administration and collection, be allocated pro rata among the counties in this State whose population is less than 100,000 in which on-track pari-mutuel wagering is conducted. The allocation must be based upon the amounts paid from each such county pursuant to subsection 2 of NRS 466.125 and must be transmitted to the respective county treasurers as provided in this paragraph. On March 1 of each year, the Board shall calculate the amount of money to be allocated to the respective county treasurers and notify the State Treasurer of the appropriate amount of each allocation. The State Treasurer shall transfer the money to the respective county treasurers. Money received by a county treasurer pursuant to this paragraph must be deposited in the county general fund and expended to augment any stakes, purses or rewards which are offered with respect to horse races conducted in that county by a state fair association, agricultural society or county fair and recreation board.
(e) The Commission shall deposit quarterly in the Revolving Account to Support Programs for the Prevention and Treatment of Problem Gambling created by NRS 458A.090 an amount equal to $2 for each slot machine that is subject to the license fee imposed pursuant to NRS 463.373 and 463.375 and collected by the Commission.
[32:429:1955]—(NRS A 1957, 784; 1959, 450, 762; 1960, 330; 1963, 521; 1965, 747; 1967, 820, 885; 1969, 642; 1979, 738, 1403; 1983, 141, 1335; 2003, 3406; 2005, 1530; 2007, 812, 813)