1. Any person to whom a state license has been issued as provided in this chapter may, upon proper application to the sheriff if there is no county license department or to that department of the county wherein it is proposed that such gaming operation shall be conducted, be issued a license for each particular device or game or slot machine, upon compliance with such conditions and regulations as may be imposed by the county, and on payment to the sheriff or county license department of license fees as required by law or ordinance.
2. Licenses:
(a) Must be prepared by the county auditor or by the county comptroller, if such officer is appointed pursuant to NRS 251.170, and contain such information as is required by county ordinance.
(b) Must be issued and accounted for as is provided by law with respect to other county licenses.
(c) Are not transferable by the licensee to any other person.
[23:429:1955]—(NRS A 1959, 440; 1960, 318; 1971, 670; 1979, 737)